Youth Fellowship

5:15-7:00 pm in the fellowship hall

Dinner will be provided. Check events for changes to schedule.

Round Table discussions, examining the scripture, fellowship, outreach, and games are all a part of our youth group experience.

See what’s coming up . . .

Sunday School happenings

CUMC Youth Facebook Page

Church Camps

The CUMC Youth Group is a great place for students in grades 6-12 to fellowship and grow in their faith. Regular meetings are held each Sunday throughout the school year with additional special activities during the summer.

Our focus is on Isaiah 6:08, Then I heard a voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Fifth Sunday Youth Gathering

On Oct. 30th Guest Speaker Matt Koerner came to shares his love of God and his inspired art work accompanied by the worship team “Love All.” Please enjoy.

Youth Fundraisers

Ongoing youth fundraisers include the purchase of gift cards through the Scrip program which helps to pay for the cost of camps.

Gift cards can be order through the Scrip website or by contacting Lori Graham. Orders are usually placed twice a month on Sunday and gift cards can picked up the next Sunday. Over 700 gift cards are available. For each gift card purchased, the youth receive a percentage. The money gift cards purchased the more money the youth raise.

You can download the app RaiseRight and submit orders. Checks can be given to Lori or turned into the church office when orders are placed. Order forms can be found at the Connection Center.

Gift cards make great gifts.

food pantry.jpg

Special mission activities include supporting the local food pantry, Isaiah 117 House, Micah 6:8 Project, Isaiah 117 Project and Camp Rivervale in Mitchell.


Youth activities have included Mega Caverns rope course in Louisville, KY, retreat at Camp Rivervale, swim party, hayride, family fun night, mystery trip, ice skating, roller skating, miniature golf, laser tag, and Amazing Mission Race to collect food for the local food pantry.

Retreats, missions, excursions, and youth camps are all a part of our efforts to grow as disciples of Christ and to help others become disciples too.

Retreats, missions, excursions, and youth camps are all a part of our efforts to grow as disciples of Christ and to help others become disciples too.